Thursday, October 8, 2009

Passion for what you do

Everyone at some time or other has had a job that they hated. Many of us are lucky enough to have a position sometime that we love. Whether you hate your job or love it, right now you probably need it and in every job there is something that you probably enjoy. Maybe you hate the drudgery of cleaning exam tables/equipment or doing the paperwork. Yet each of these tasks is very important to the overall job and service that you and your company provide. Right now there has been a lot of focus on the importance of cleaning equipment/doors/chairs or whatever due to the flu. Everyone understands how important that is to all of us.

How important is the paperwork? Very important for many reasons including patient safety and billing. If the paperwork is done incorrectly it could mean that the patient receives improper care and could even put them at risk. Paperwork can also affect the billing and with delayed payments or missed payments this can affect the practice’s revenue. If the revenue is decreased can the practice continue to support everyone? This can and will eventually affect all of the practice staff including providers, clinical and administrative staff.

The key is that every job has aspects of it that are important and can be enjoyable and “make a difference”. Finding these parts of a job can make all the difference. When you find something that makes you passionate about your job and focus on it. It will make your day go by faster and others see the passion in your work. When you are passionate about something appear more focused and it usually appears that you are knowledgeable and a professional and in a tough job market that has to help!

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