Thursday, May 7, 2009

Don’t believe everything you hear

Can you believe it; people don’t always tell the truth! Hard to believe isn’t it, but it is possible that employee, patients, vendors, and anyone that you deal with might not always be telling the whole truth to you.

For that reason it is important to not always believe the first thing you hear. Often the staff member that complains the most or is the most vocal are that way because they have something to hide.

When you are new, especially if you are new to the office keep in mind that everyone only wants you to see their side of the story, after all that is what is important to them. As a manager it is your job to remain impartial and be fair to all. At first it is important to step back and make no opinions about anyone. After being around the employees you can get a feel of what is the truth and what you need to do in any given situation.

One of the biggest mistakes a new manager can do is to jump in without the facts. You feel you have to do something, but if you go in with both barrels blazing you can do more harm than good. It is much harder to try to undo something you did or to fix a problem then getting it right the first time.

Before you take sides or do something you could later regret-take a deep breathe and think about it. If possible get away from the issue; if possible let it sit until the next morning. That is not always possible, but at least take a minute to think about it before you decide.

From PMSA New Manager's Starting Out 2007

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