Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Want to Help the Healthcare Crisis?

Want to give back to the community? Want to help with the healthcare crisis? Consider donating your time and resources to a free healthcare clinic These events are in need of volunteers, of course they always need healthcare workers to make it happen, but also need others to make the event function smoothly. If you can’t donate your time, how about money to help serve those that can’t afford healthcare?

For those that live in the Kansas City area:
The National Association of Free Clinics has been very busy this fall as a result of the CARE Clinic in Houston sponsored by Dr. Oz where we saw almost 1800 people on a Saturday in September and then the phenomenal response from across the nation as a result of a call to action by Keith Olbermann on Countdown that raised money to support additional clinics.

We are pleased that on December 9th and 10th the National Association of Free Clinics (NAFC) will be sponsoring a two-day clinic in Kansas City at Bartle Hall and the health care community here is responding to make it happen.

We are recruiting volunteers—professional and lay people—and are just beginning the planning. I hope you will send this on to those in your contact list that might be interested in working with us. And, if you would like to help in the planning, let me know.

The website for volunteer to sign up to work at the Clinic itself should be up over the weekend.

This is an exciting opportunity to show the nation the wonderful way that Kansas City comes together to serve the uninsured!

Sheridan Y. Wood
Executive Director
Kansas City Free Health Clinic
3515 Broadway
Kansas City, MO 64111
DD: 816.777.2763
Other: 816.753.5144 Ext. 263
Fax: 816.777.2796

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