Monday, January 4, 2010


With a new year ahead of us, it always makes me wonder what the year will bring. This time last year, could we have guessed that legislation affecting medical practices would go the route that they have recently? It really makes you wonder what changes this year will bring and how we will have to adapt to meet these new challenges.

Facing the unknown and adapting to the challenges in healthcare requires a strong leadership basis to be successful. How are your leadership skills? Maybe this is the year to consider taking new courses and broaden your knowledge base, or maybe it is time to obtain additional certification/education. Whatever path you decide this would be a good time to plan out how you can develop new leadership skills and enhance your leadership style. There are many free courses, articles, and other resources as well as many cost-effective ones. Whatever you choose, why not make leadership enhance as part of your new year’s plan of action?

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